Frequently Asked Questions

Are there toilets and changing rooms at reset wild spa?

We have a screened area in which you are welcome to change, however we recommend arriving with your swimming attire under your clothes so as not to use up your session time changing. If you would like to use the changing area at the end of your session, please make sure this is within your allotted time. We have a COLD shower on site. Toilets are provided by Peterley Manor Farm away from the site so we recommend using the facilities prior to arriving for your session.

Will I be sharing the sauna/ ice bath?

Sessions are shared with up to 8 people in the sauna. The ice bath is for one or two people at a time.

Private Hire: If you prefer to use the site privately, you can book the facilities for exclusive use with RESET Soul. Get in touch to find out more.

are children allowed?

Children under the age of 16 are not permitted.

may i used reset wild spa if i’m pregnant?

The sauna and ice bath are not to be used in pregnancy, however you are welcome to still come along and enjoy the relaxation areas.

What should I bring?

To get the most from your session we recommend you bring:

- Swimwear

- Flip flops to walk between the areas

- TWO towels (one to sit on in the sauna, one to dry yourself with)

- Water bottle

what happens if i can’t make my session?

If notice is provided at least 24 hours before the scheduled session you may reschedule by emailing

Cancellations made within 24 hours of the scheduled session will not be eligible for rescheduling and will result in forfeiture of the session without the option for rescheduling or refund.

Failure to show up for the scheduled session without prior notice will result in forfeiture of the session without the option for rescheduling or refund.

We regret to inform you that we do not offer refunds for cancellations.

What if I am late for my session?

RESET Wild Spa is located a 5 minute walk from the car park. You will be collected by your host 5 minutes before your session time in order to get your full time allocation. The host cannot delay the start time of the session for latecomers. If you arrive late, please wait at the RESET Wild Spa sign and your host will come and collect you at their earliest convenience. You will not be able to extend the finish point of your session.

will my session go ahead in the rain?

YES! We are a wild spa and the weather is all part of the experience. The sound of the rain gently falling around you just adds to the relaxing nature of RESET. In particularly wet weather the relaxation areas will be closed however.