1 Responsibilities

  • Guests are responsible for following the safety procedures outlined in this policy.

  • Staff are responsible for ensuring that guests are aware of the safety procedures and that they are following them.

2 Medical

Use of the sauna and ice baths is at your own risk. We ask that you contact your GP if at all in doubt about safely using the sauna. If any of the below apply to you (please note, this is not a comprehensive list) we advise you to seek your GP’s advice;

  • If you've had a heart attack or stroke

  • If you're taking any medications

  • If you have cardiovascular conditions or problems

  • You have epilepsy

  • You have asthma or breathing conditions

  • High or low blood pressure

  • If you have arterial disease

  • If you have a joint or muscle injury

  • You have metal pins, rods, artificial joints or any other surgical implants

  • Have any chronic underlying medical condition

  • You have any undiagnosed symptoms

If you are pregnant use of the sauna and ice bath are not permitted. You are however welcome to still enjoy the relaxation spaces.

​​By booking a session, you're confirming that you, and everyone in your group, have considered this advice and those detailed in our T&Cs. RESET Wild Spa cannot accept responsibility for customers with the above conditions or in the above situations.

3 Be Safe at RESET Wild Spa

  • Exposure to hot equipment, slippery surfaces caused by water, ice, snow, or other substances, hot temperatures, airborne illnesses, and contaminants is undertaken at your own risk. 

  • It is up to you to ensure you do not touch the sauna fire, fire pit, tiki torches or any other element of RESET Wild Spa that may be hot.

  • RESET Wild Spa takes no responsibility for the damage or loss of customers’ property. Please leave valuables at home.

  • Do not wear or use any of your own products or lotions inside of the saunas as they may contain ingredients that can be harmful or slippery. 

  • Guests should always listen to their bodies and stop using the sauna or ice bath if they feel uncomfortable.

  • We regret that children under the age of 16 are not permitted in the sauna or ice bath.

  • Anyone using the ice bath is at their own risk. Please ask a member of staff for guidance on cold exposure safety tips. 

  • RESET Wild Spa is located a 5 minute walk from the car park across a working farm. Please wear appropriate footwear and do not stray from the designated route.

  • RESET Wild Spa is located near bee hives, please be aware of this if you have an allergy.

4 Sauna/Ice Bath Etiquette

  • Sauna/ice bath etiquette must be adhered to at all times. This includes;

  • Please behave in a respectful manner to fellow sauna guests and abide by the rules and regulations of RESET Wild Spa.

  • Sitting on a towel at all times in the sauna.

  • Staying in the sauna for no longer than 15 minutes at a time

  • Staying in the ice bath for no longer than 5 minutes at a time

  • Gently pouring water onto the sauna stove; do not dump water

  • Only pour the provided 'sauna water' on hot rocks and nothing else​​

  • Getting changed within your booked time slot, if you'd like to use the changing room.

5 Emergencies

  • In the event of a fire, guests should evacuate the area immediately and call 999.

  • In the event of a medical emergency, guests should notify staff immediately. Staff will call 999 and provide first aid as needed.